Secondary Tooth Decay: Cavities Part 2 Electric Boogaloo

I recently had the frustration of being told I have a new cavity, formed where an old filling had worn down. My instinct was frustration: a moment of, “I thought I fixed that already!” A patient understandably assumes, having left that cavity in the past, it was a blip that was remedied and eventually forgotten. Unfortunately, secondary tooth decay (also... read more »

Silvery Whites: The Potential Dangers of Dental Amalgam

Cavities are exceedingly common, with 90% of the U.S. population having one over the course of their life. When treating cavities, the affected area is drilled out to prevent the decay from spreading. But that hole, if unfilled, leaves the patient more susceptible to future decay, as the hole is thoroughly uncleanable through conventional means. That is why dentists fill... read more »