Unseen Challenges Of Modern Orthodontics And A Promising Solution For Kids

Though the field of orthodontics has made incredible strides in recent history, with the process shifting from wildly conspicuous to almost unnoticeable, it still harbors some of its oldest "cons” -- pain. The unavoidable fact is editing one’s dentition is an uncomfortable task. Be it through the tightening of wires or the swapping of aligners, exerting the proper pressure on... read more »

How Does Invisalign® Shift Our Smiles?

The primary image surrounding orthodontics is a metal, train-track smile. We see it plainly in orthodontics offices’ logos: brackets and wires and bands. Fixing a smile has long been a very public and noticeable affair. There is even evidence that braces existed in some form as far back as ancient Egypt! So it can be puzzling to look at Invisalign®,... read more »